BACI sent a welcoming letter to the newly elected 17 BulgarianMPs in the EP

On behalf of the Bulgarian Association of the Cement Industry(BACI) and CEMBUREAU, the European Cement Association, pleaseaccept our heartfelt congratulations on your successful electionas a Member of the European Parliament representing the Republicof Bulgaria. We wish you the very best as you take the newassignment in the European Parliament.

BACI is a non-profit organization, with members the cementproducers on the territory of Republic of Bulgaria three of themost renowned cement companies Devnya Cement JSC and Vulcan CementJSC (part of Heidelberg Group), Holcim Bulgaria JSC (part ofLafargeHolcim) and Titan Zlatna Panega Cement JSC (part of TitanGroup). In 2018, according to NSI data, the total production ofcement (clinker) in Bulgaria amounts to about 2.3 mil. tonnes. Themembers of the association are among the largest employers andhave – since the acquisition of the cement plants from theinternational companies – invested significant financial amountsfully modernizing the production facilities using best availabletechnologies.  BACI is actively working on all the priorities ofthe European Union, which concern the cement industry, incl. onimplementing the European Strategic Long-Term Vision Strategy fora prosperous, modern, competitive and climate-neutral economy by2050. More and more detailed information on the association’sactivities can be found at

We would like to take this opportunity to ask you to continuesupporting growth, employment creation and innovation developmentin the European Union. The cement industry in the European Unionalready today employs 47,000 people, produces 173 million tonnesof cement and has a turnover of EUR €15.2 billion in 2016. Thiscreated added value of €4.6 billion for the European economy in2016.

By focusing on European policy and regulation, you can contributeto maintaining the competitiveness of our business in Europe.While we keep continue investing in technologies reducing ourcarbon footprint, we need a coherent enabling policy frameworkwhich recognises the contribution of our industry to energyefficiency and climate change throughout our value chain. Theimproved durability, energy efficiency and enabling role ofconcrete for the low carbon economy should be taken into accountin policy-making. We would also appreciate your consideration forthe right policy levers to promote industrial symbiosis in a trulycircular economy. This is because the cement industry increasinglyuses alternative fuels, such as waste sourced from otherindustries, to further reduce its use of conventional fossil fuelsand virgin raw materials.

In connection with the above, we offer to your kind attention theManifesto of the European Cement Association, Let’s ContinueBuilding a Carbon-Neutral Europe, and a map of the cement plantsoperating in the Republic of Bulgaria.

We are looking forward to working with you in the recentlylaunched parliamentary term and remain at your disposal forfurther information and assistance regarding any questions andtopics.